Pictor Digital Signage

Terms and conditions of the online store

  1. General provisions, contact with the store owner
    1. These terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as “Terms and Conditions”) define the terms and conditions of use of the online store Pictor Player, operating at www https://pictorplayer.com.
    2. The owner of the Store is Łukasz Kliś, entrepreneur conducting business activity under the name Etinel Łukasz Kliś with registered office at: ul. Prosta 25/1, 34-312 Międzybrodzie Żywieckie, Poland registered in the Central Register and Information on Business Activity, NIP: PL5492115779 (hereinafter “Seller“).
    3. The Seller’s contact information is as follows:
      Contact address: ul. Górska 19 p.102, 34-312 Międzybrodzie Żywieckie
      Email address: office@pictorplayer.com
      Phone number: +48730301305 (customer phone service hours – in the Contact tab).
  2. Technical requirements
    1. In order to use the Store, it is necessary to have:
      1. computer or other device with a web browser;
      2. Internet access;
      3. active e-mail address.
  3. Personal information
    1. The administrator of the personal data of the Store’s customers is the Seller.
    2. All information about the processing of personal data of customers, as well as other people using the Store’s website, can be read at Privacy Policy .
  4. Subscription
    1. The PictorPlayer.co.uk website offers subscriptions to enable the use of Pictor software.
    2. Subscriptions are available at certain price conditions in accordance with the Price List.
    3. The subscription is concluded for a fixed term at the time of payment. The subscription may be renewed automatically if the user does not cancel before the end of the subscription period.
    4. After purchasing a subscription, the customer receives an email confirming the transaction. In the message there is a license key, which must be entered in the appropriate field of the Pictor application (check the Pictor manual.).
  5. Payments
    1. Payments for subscriptions are processed through the Stripe payment system.
    2. Payment terms specifying the available payment methods and subscription prices are visible on the PictorPlayer.co.uk website at the time of payment.
    3. The store does not store users’ payment data, according to the privacy policy. Payment data may be stored by the Stripe payment operator depending on the user’s choice when completing the subscription form.
  6. Conclusion of sales contract
    1. The store does not require the creation of a customer account to purchase Subscriptions.
    2. Information about products in the Store, i.e. descriptions and prices, constitute an invitation to conclude a sales contract within the meaning of Art. 71 of the Civil Code, according to the terms of the Regulations.
    3. The condition for placing an order is to fill in in the order form all the required data necessary for the execution of the contract and possibly (at the customer’s request) also the data for generating a VAT invoice.
    4. The customer may, at no cost, cancel the account at any time. To do so, send your cancellation to the following email address: biuro@pictorplayer.pl.pl.
    5. Approval of the order by the customer with the “Subscribe” button (or any other of the same wording) means:
      1. submitting an offer to the Seller to purchase Goods and/or Digital Products in accordance with the options selected in the order and in accordance with these Terms and Conditions,
      2. acceptance of the obligation to pay the price of the Goods and/or Digital Products and their delivery costs.
    6. The conclusion of a contract of sale and/or a contract for the provision of digital content or digital services (hereinafter “Contract”) occurs when the Seller accepts the order for execution (acceptance of the customer’s offer), which is communicated by the Seller through an e-mail confirming acceptance of the order for execution.
    7. If it is not possible to fulfill the order of the Goods (in whole or in part), the Seller will inform the customer about it – then the Contract is not concluded. At the same time, the Seller will inform the customer of the existing possibilities for another way of fulfilling the order, such as partial fulfillment of the order or waiting for the Seller to replenish the stock. If the order has been previously paid by the customer, and it is not possible to fulfill it, the Seller shall immediately refund the customer the payments made (according to the extent of cancellation of the order). ;
    8. The store is not responsible for non-delivery of an order or delay in its delivery resulting from the customer’s provision of an incomplete / incorrect delivery address or failure to provide other data necessary for order processing.
    9. The seller reserves the right to suspend the execution of an order in a situation where the customer has provided false data or where the data raises reasonable doubts about its correctness. In this case, the Seller (if possible) will attempt to contact the customer to verify the veracity of the data provided.
  7. Prices and payment methods
    1. The prices of the Goods and/or Digital Products are given in the Polish zloty (PLN) and in the gross amount, i.e. Including VAT.
    2. Delivery of goods is done electronically.
    3. The store offers the following payment methods:
      1. fast electronic transfer / BLIK / payment of so-called. virtual wallet – through a payment platform:
      2. payment by card: Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, MasterCard Electronic
      3. In any case, the online payment service is the Stripe platform.
  8. Delivery of digital products
    1. The execution of the Contract for the delivery of the Digital Product takes place immediately (unless otherwise specified in the Contract) by electronic means by sending the customer to the e-mail address provided by him/her the data allowing access to the purchased Product (download instructions or access data to the relevant account)
    2. The duration (period) of access to the Digital Product (e.g., for one year) is always indicated next to the Product description during its purchase (Subscription) by the customer.
    3. If the Digital Product is accessed through a special platform, the customer is obliged to use it in a lawful manner, in particular, not to provide unlawful content within the platform.
    4. The Customer shall respect the copyrights of the Vendor and/or other author of the Digital Products provided. Unless otherwise indicated by the Seller, the customer shall be entitled to use the purchased Digital Products only for his own purposes and in a manner consistent with the intended use under the Agreement. The customer is not entitled without the permission of the Seller to any other distribution of the purchased digital content
    5. The Seller is not obliged to provide updates to the Digital Product, unless otherwise stated in its description and/or the Seller’s statements posted in the Store and available to the customer at the time of purchase.
  9. Withdrawal from the contract
    1. A customer who is a consumer or an entrepreneur referred to in Art. 7aa of the Law on Consumer Rights (hereinafter the “Privileged Entrepreneur“) has the statutory right to withdraw from the contract of sale of the Goods within 14 days of its receipt, without giving any reason, subject to the exceptions mentioned below.
    2. A customer who is a consumer or an entrepreneur referred to in Art. 7aa of the Law on Consumer Rights (hereinafter “Privileged Entrepreneur”) has the right to withdraw from the Contract for the supply of the Digital Product (without giving any reason) within 14 days from its conclusion, unless the following conditions are met:
      • The seller has fully performed the service or has begun to provide digital content with the express and prior consent of the customer,
      • before the start of the performance, the customer was informed that after the performance he will lose the right to withdraw from the contract,
      • The seller has provided the customer with confirmation of the conclusion of the Contract on a durable medium, together with information about the customer’s consent to the delivery of the Digital Product under circumstances that cause the customer to lose the right of withdrawal.
    3. To meet the deadline for withdrawal it is sufficient for the customer to send within the aforementioned period, a statement:
      • in electronic form to: sklep@ekranyinformacyjne.pl or
      • in writing to the address: ul. Górska 19 p.102, 34-312 Międzybrodzie Żywieckie.
    4. The declaration of withdrawal from the contract may be submitted according to the template available here, while the use of a design is not mandatory. The seller will immediately send the customer an e-mail confirmation of receipt of the statement of withdrawal.
    5. Then, within the next 14 days, the customer should return the returned Goods at his own expense to the postal address of ul. Górska 19 p.102, 34-312 Międzybrodzie Żywieckie.
    6. The seller will promptly, no later than 14 days after receiving the statement of withdrawal from the contract, make a refund to the customer:
      • The price of the Goods and/or Digital Product;
      • the cost of the original shipment of the Goods to the customer according to the cheapest ordinary way of delivering the item, offered in the Store.
    7. If the customer withdraws from the contract of sale of Goods, the Seller may refrain from refunding the payment until he receives the Goods back, or at least the customer provides the Seller with proof of return of the item.
    8. We will refund the payment using the same means of payment used by the customer in the original transaction, unless the customer has expressly agreed otherwise.
    9. The customer is responsible for the diminished value of the returned Goods if, before submitting the declaration of withdrawal, he used the Goods in a manner other than necessary to ascertain the nature, characteristics and functioning of the thing.
  10. Exceptions to the right of withdrawal from the contract of sale of Goods
    1. The right of withdrawal does not apply to Contracts for the supply of Goods:
      1. Non-refabricated, produced according to the specifications of the consumer / Privileged Entrepreneur or serving his individualized needs (personalized goods);
      2. that spoil quickly or have a short shelf life (perishable goods);
      3. delivered in a sealed package, if the package has been opened by the customer, and the goods, once the package has been opened, cannot be returned for health or hygienic reasons (goods packaged for hygienic reasons);
      4. sound or visual recordings or computer programs, delivered on a tangible medium (e.g., CD) in sealed packaging, if the packaging is opened after delivery;
      5. which, after delivery, by their nature, become inseparable from other goods (e.g., construction materials, if used);
      6. daily newspapers, periodicals or magazines, except for a subscription contract (paper press);
      7. the price of which depends on fluctuations in the financial market, over which the Seller has no control, and which may occur before the deadline for withdrawal;
      8. alcoholic beverages, the price of which was agreed upon at the conclusion of the sales contract, the delivery of which can only take place after 30 days and the value of which depends on market fluctuations over which the Seller has no control.
  11. Complaints
    1. The Seller shall deliver to the customer the Goods and/or Digital Products in accordance with the Contract.
    2. With regard to consumers and Privileged Entrepreneurs, the Seller shall be liable for the conformity of the Goods and/or Digital Products in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Rights Act. In relation to other customers, the Seller shall be liable under the terms of the Civil Code.
    3. Complaints may be filed:
      • in electronic form to: sklep@ekranyinformacyjne.pl
      • Or in writing to the address: ul. Górska 19 p.102, 34-312 Międzybrodzie Żywieckie.
    4. The Seller will consider the complaint in the form in which it was submitted (in writing or by e-mail) within 14 days of receipt of the complaint.
    5. In the event of dissatisfaction with the manner in which the Seller has handled the complaint, the consumer and the Privileged Entrepreneur may (in addition to the usual proceedings in the ordinary courts of law) also use out-of-court ways of handling complaints and claims.
    6. For the above purpose, you can:
      1. apply to the provincial inspector of the Trade Inspection with a request to initiate mediation proceedings for an amicable settlement of the dispute,
      2. use the assistance of a district (city) consumer ombudsman or a social organization whose statutory tasks include consumer protection,
      3. benefit ODR platform (Online Dispute Resolution), which is used for online dispute resolution between consumers and businesses if the dispute relates to obligations arising from a contract concluded online. More information about the ODR platform can be found here,
      4. apply to a permanent amicable consumer court with a request to resolve a dispute arising from the contract.
    7. Additional information regarding out-of-court ways of dealing with complaints and claims can also be obtained from the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection: https://polubowne.uokik.gov.pl/.
  12. Final provisions
    1. Polish law shall apply to the Contracts concluded in the Store. The contract is concluded in the Polish language.
    2. Nothing in the Terms and Conditions excludes or in any way limits the rights of the consumer (and the Privileged Entrepreneur) under the law.
    3. The Seller may make changes to the Terms and Conditions at any time, with such changes applying to orders placed after the publication of the new version of the Terms and Conditions, and in the case of (i) previously concluded Digital Service Agreements or Electronic Service Agreements, and in the case of (ii) customers with an Account in the store – the customer will be notified of the change in the Regulations and the possibility of not accepting the new content.
    4. Regulations are effective as of 12-03-2024.
  13. Purchase of Pictor software licenses.
    1. The Seller declares that in the course of its business activity it has developed a copyrighted computer program called Pictor, consisting of Pictor Player and Pictor Manager modules, hereinafter referred to as the Program, and that it is entitled to all property rights to the Program.
    2. The Vendor gives an assurance that the Program is not encumbered by any rights or claims in favor of any third parties and, in particular, that the conclusion and execution by the Vendor of the sale of the non-exclusive License does not require any third-party authorizations.
    3. Each time if a license of the Program was purchased in the Store, the Seller (Licensor):
      1. Grants the Buyer (Licensee), for the period indicated in the sales document, the authorization to make non-exclusive use of the Program (non-exclusive license), in the territory of the European Union, for the fields of exploitation specified in the software license.
      2. The Buyer (Licensee) shall pay the Seller (Licensor) a license fee for the ability to use the Program in the amount according to the purchase document.
    4. When installing the Program on the Buyer’s computer, acceptance of the Program license is required.

Newsletter Regulations
in the store PictorPlayer.co.uk

  1. General provisions, contact with the Seller
    1. These newsletter terms and conditions (“NewsletterTerms and Conditions”) define the terms and conditions for the provision of the so-called “Newsletter” service by the Seller (“Seller“) – owner of the Ekrany Informacyjne online store (“Store“). newsletter.
    2. Newsletters are periodic electronic messages sent by the Seller to the e-mail address of a person who has given the appropriate marketing consent (“Subscriber“). These messages include, in particular, commercial information about the Store and the Seller. These messages may also contain other content, related to the business of the Seller, the industry of the Store, possibly educational content, which in the opinion of the Seller may be interesting and useful for customers or potential customers of the Store (“Newsletter“).
    3. These Newsletter Regulations constitute the regulations of the electronic service within the meaning of the Electronic Services Act. Newsletter service is an additional and side service to the main activity of the Seller, i.e. To offer customers to purchase Goods and/or Digital Products. The Newsletter service is free of charge.
    4. The Newsletter Regulations are in addition to the Store Regulations. To the extent not regulated in the Newsletter Regulations, the provisions of the Store Regulations shall apply to this service.
    5. Vendor’s contact information for Newsletter service is the same as for the Store
      Street. Górska 19 p.102, 34-312 Międzybrodzie Żywieckie
      e-mail: sklep@ekranyinformacyjne.pl
      tel: +48730301305
  2. Technical requirements and functionalities of the Newsletter service
    1. In order to use the Newsletter service, it is necessary to have:
      1. computer or other device with software that allows you to receive e-mail messages,
      2. active e-mail address,
      3. Internet access.
    2. Using the Newsletter, the Subscriber has the opportunity to receive e-mails from the Seller containing, among other things:
      1. information about news and promotions in the Store,
      2. discount codes and/or information about other special benefits for Newsletter subscribers,
      3. other content, related to the activities of the Store and the Seller, the industry of the Store, possibly educational content, which in the opinion of the Seller may be interesting and useful for customers or potential customers of the Store.
    3. The Seller does not guarantee or declare a specific frequency of sending the Newsletter. The time of sending, as well as the content of commercial information contained in the Newsletter is decided by the Seller.
  3. Newsletter service contract, withdrawal from the contract, cancellation of the Newsletter
    1. The conclusion of the contract for the Newsletter service may take place:
      1. when a visitor to the Store fills out the appropriate form on the Store’s website, providing his/her e-mail address to which he/she wishes to receive commercial information,
      2. When placing an order in the Store – when the customer in the Store’s shopping cart agrees to receive commercial information by checking the appropriate checkbox.
    2. The Seller may – as an incentive to subscribe to the Newsletter – offer potential Subscribers a bonus (gift, so-called lead magnet) in the form of a discount code, digital content (e.g. free e-book) or other benefit for the Subscriber related to the store’s business (e.g. one-time free delivery of Goods) (“Bonus”). Information about the Bonus granted in connection with subscription to the Newsletter is then located on the Store’s website.
    3. The bonus is delivered to the Subscriber at the e-mail address provided at the time of subscription, immediately after the conclusion of the Newsletter service agreement. The Bonus is provided in a suitable digital form (e.g., a link to download an e-book, a discount code, a code to enter in the corresponding field of the Store’s shopping cart to receive free delivery).
    4. The contract for the provision of electronic Newsletter service is concluded for an indefinite period of time. The subscriber may unsubscribe from the Newsletter at any time without giving any reason. To do so:
      1. click on the appropriate link contained in each message sent as part of the Newsletter or
      2. Contact the Seller electronically.
    5. The customer also has the statutory right to withdraw from the Newsletter service contract within 14 days of its conclusion.
    6. The Seller may discontinue the Newsletter service at any time, of which all Subscribers will be notified.
    7. If the Subscriber does not open the messages sent by the Seller within the Newsletter for more than 18 months, the Seller (with additional notice) shall cease to provide the Newsletter service to that Subscriber.
  4. Complaints
    1. With regard to consumers and Privileged Entrepreneurs, the Seller shall be responsible for the conformity of the Newsletter service with the contract in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Rights Act. In relation to other customers, the Seller shall be liable under the terms of the Civil Code.
    2. Complaints about the Newsletter service may be submitted to the Seller in accordance with the procedure provided in points X. 3-5 of the Store Regulations.
    3. In case of dissatisfaction with the way the Seller handles the complaint, there is also the possibility to use out-of-court ways of handling complaints and claims, in accordance with the procedure described in points X. 6-7 of the Store Regulations.
  5. Personal information
    1. Full information about the processing of personal data of the Store’s customers, including for the purposes of providing the Newsletter service, is provided in the Privacy Policy.
  6. Changes to the Newsletter Regulations
    1. The Seller may make changes to these Newsletter Terms and Conditions under the terms indicated in Section XI. 3 of the Store Regulations. If the Subscriber does not accept the new wording of the Newsletter Terms and Conditions, he/she may terminate the Newsletter service agreement with 14 days’ notice (by contacting the Seller electronically for this purpose) or with immediate effect (in the manner indicated in Section III.3. of the Newsletter Terms and Conditions).
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